
[buffer] Section

[buffer.nickname] Section

[buffer.nickname.color] Section

kind = "unique" | "solid"
hex = "<string>"
kindControls whether nickname color is "solid" or "unique". "unique" generates colors by randomzing a hue which is used together with the saturation and lightness from the action color provided by the theme. This color can be overwritten with hex.kind = "unique"
hexOverwrite the default color. Optional.not set

[buffer.nickname.brackets] Section

left = "<string>"
right = "<string>"
leftLeft bracket for nicknames.left = ""
rightRight bracket for nicknames.right = ""

[buffer.timestamp] Section

format = "<string>"
brackets = { left = "<string>", right = "<string>" }
formatFormat expected is strftime. To disable, simply pass empty string ""."%R"
bracketsBrackets for nicknames{ left = "", right = "" }

[buffer.text_input] Section

visibility = "always" | "focused"
visibilityText input visibility. Can be "always" or "focused"."always"

[buffer.channel] Section

[buffer.channel.nicklist] Section

enabled = true | false
position = "left" | "right"
enabledControl if nicklist should be shown or nottrue
positionNicklist position. Can be "left" or "right"."right"

[buffer.channel.nicklist.color] Section

kind = "unique" | "solid"
hex = "<string>"
kindControls whether nickname color is "solid" or "unique". "unique" generates colors by randomzing a hue which is used together with the saturation and lightness from the action color provided by the theme. This color can be overwritten with hex.kind = "unique"
hexOverwrite the default color. Optional.not set

[buffer.channel.topic] Section

enabled = true | false
max_lines = <integer>
enabledControl if topic banner should be shown or notfalse
max_linesAmount of visible lines before you have to scroll in topic banner.2

[buffer.server_messages] Section

enabled = true | false
smart = <integer>
username_format = "full" | "short"
hex = "<string>"
enabled = true | false
smart = <integer>
username_format = "full" | "short"
hex = "<string>"
enabled = true | false
smart = <integer>
username_format = "full" | "short"
hex = "<string>"
enabled = true | false
hex = "<string>"
enabledControl if the server message should appear in buffers or nottrue
smartOnly show server message if the user has sent a message in the given time interval (seconds) prior to the server message.not set
username_formatAdjust how the username should look. Can be "full" (shows the longest username available (nickname, username and hostname) or "short" (only shows nickname)."full"
hexOverwrite the default color. Optional.not set

[buffer.internal_messages] Section

enabled = true | false
smart = <integer>
hex = "<string>"
enabled = true | false
smart = <integer>
hex = "<string>"
enabledControl if the internal message should appear in buffers or nottrue
smartOnly show internal message if received within the given time duration (seconds).not set
hexOverwrite the default color. Optional.not set