
Buffer settings for Halloy.

  1. Away - Controls the appearance of away nicknames
  2. Channel - Channel specific settings
    1. Message - Message settings within a channel buffer
    2. Nicklist - Nicklist settings within a channel buffer
    3. Topic - Topic settings within a channel buffer
  3. Chathistory - IRCv3 Chat History extension settings
  4. Commands - Commands settings
  5. Date Separators - Customize how date separators are displayed within a buffer
  6. Emojis - Emojis settings
  7. Internal Messages - Internal messages are messages sent from Halloy itself
  8. Nickname - Customize how nicknames are displayed within a buffer
  9. Server Messages - Server messages are messages sent from a irc server.
  10. Status Message Prefix - Status message prefix settings
  11. Text Input - Customize the text input for in buffers
  12. Timestamp - Customize how timestamps are displayed within a buffer


Controls the appearance of away nicknames.


Controls the appearance of away nicknames in buffers.

# Type: string
# Values: "dimmed", "solid"
# Default: "dimmed"

appearance = "dimmed"


Channel specific settings


Message settings within a channel buffer.


Nickname colors in the message. "unique" generates colors by randomizing the hue, while keeping the saturation and lightness from the theme's nickname color.

# Type: string
# Values: "solid", "unique"
# Default: "unique"

nickname_color = "unique"


Nicklist settings within a channel buffer.


Horizontal alignment of nicknames.

# Type: string
# Values: "left", "right"
# Default: "left"

alignment = "left"


Nickname colors in the nicklist. "unique" generates colors by randomizing the hue, while keeping the saturation and lightness from the theme's nickname color.

# Type: string
# Values: "solid", "unique"
# Default: "unique"

color = "unique"


Control if nicklist should be shown or not by default.

# Type: boolean
# Values: true, false
# Default: true

enabled = true


Nicklist position in the pane.

# Type: string
# Values: "left", "right"
# Default: "left"

position = "right"


Show access levels in front of nicknames (@, +, ~, etc.).

# Type: boolean
# Values: true, false
# Default: true

show_access_levels = true


Overwrite nicklist width in pixels.

# Type: integer
# Values: any positive integer
# Default: not set

width = 150


Click action for when interaction with nicknames.

  • "open-query": Open a query with the User
  • "insert-nickname": Inserts the nickname into text input
# Type: string
# Values: "open-query", "insert-nickname"
# Default: "open-query"

click = "open-query"


Topic settings within a channel buffer.


Control if topic should be shown or not by default.

# Type: boolean
# Values: true, false
# Default: true

enabled = true


Amount of visible lines before you have to scroll in topic banner.

# Type: integer
# Values: any positive integer
# Default: 2z

max_lines = 2


IRCv3 Chat History extension settings


Automatically request older history when scrolling to the top of a channel/query buffer

# Type: boolean
# Values: true, false
# Default: true

infinite_scroll = true


Commands settings.

show_description = false


Show or hide the description for a command

# Type: boolean
# Values: true, false
# Default: true

show_description = true


Customize how date separators are displayed within a buffer


Controls the date format. The expected format is strftime.
NOTE: The application will panic if a invalid format is provided.

# Type: string
# Values: any valid strftime string
# Default: "%A, %B %-d"

format = "%A, %B %-d"


Show date separators.

# Type: boolean
# Values: true, false
# Default: true

show = true


Emojis settings.

show_picker = true
skin_tone = "default"
auto_replace = true


Show the emoji picker when typing :shortcode: in text input.

# Type: boolean
# Values: true, false
# Default: true

show_picker = true


Skin tone selected when picking an emoji.

# Type: string
# Values: "default", "light", "medium-light", "medium", "medium-dark", "dark"
# Default: "default"

skin_tone = "default"


Automatically replace :shortcode: in text input with the corresponding emoji.

# Type: boolean
# Values: true, false
# Default: true

auto_replace = true


Internal messages are messages sent from Halloy itself.


A internal messages which is considered a "success" such as when a connection was restored, or when connected succesfully to a server.


Control if internal message type is enabled.

# Type: boolean
# Values: true, false
# Default: true

enabled = true


Only show internal message if received within the given time duration (seconds).

# Type: integer
# Values: any positive integer
# Default: not set

smart = 180


A internal messages which is considered a "error" such as when a connection was lost, or when connection to server failed.


Control if internal message type is enabled.

# Type: boolean
# Values: true, false
# Default: true

enabled = true


Only show internal message if received within the given time duration (seconds).

# Type: integer
# Values: any positive integer
# Default: not set

smart = 180


Customize how nicknames are displayed within a buffer.


Horizontal alignment of nicknames.

# Type: string
# Values: "left", "right", "top"
# Default: "left"

alignment = "right"


Brackets around nicknames.

# Type: string
# Values: { left = "<any string>", right = "<any string>" }
# Default: { left = "", right = "" }

brackets = { left = "<", right = ">" }


Nickname colors in a channel buffer. "unique" generates colors by randomizing the hue, while keeping the saturation and lightness from the theme's nickname color.

# Type: string
# Values: "solid", "unique"
# Default: "unique"

color = "unique"


Show access levels in front of nicknames (@, +, ~, etc.).

# Type: boolean
# Values: true, false
# Default: true

show_access_levels = true


Click action for when interaction with nicknames.

  • "open-query": Open a query with the User
  • "insert-nickname": Inserts the nickname into text input
# Type: string
# Values: "open-query", "insert-nickname"
# Default: "open-query"

click = "open-query"


Server messages are messages sent from a irc server.

  • change_host - Message is sent when a user changes host
  • join - Message is sent when a user joins a channel
  • monitored_offline - Message is sent when a monitored user goes offline
  • monitored_online - Message is sent when a monitored user goes online
  • part - Message is sent when a user leaves a channel
  • quit - Message is sent when a user closes the connection to a channel or server
  • standard_reply_fail - Message is sent when a command/function fails or an error with the session
  • standard_reply_note - Message is sent when there is information about a command/function or session
  • standard_reply_warn - Message is sent when there is feedback about a command/function or session
  • topic - Message is sent when a user changes channel topic


# Hide all join messages except for `#halloy` channel:

exclude = ["*"]
include = ["#halloy"]

# Disable all part messages

enabled = false


Control if internal message type is enabled.

# Type: boolean
# Values: true, false
# Default: true

enabled = true


Only show server message if the user has sent a message in the given time interval (seconds) prior to the server message.

# Type: integer
# Values: any positive integer
# Default: not set

smart = 180


Exclude channels from receiving the server messag. If you pass ["#halloy"], the channel #halloy will not receive the server message. You can also exclude all channels by using a wildcard: ["*"].

# Type: array of strings
# Values: array of any strings
# Default: []

exclude = ["*"]


Include channels to receive the server message. If you pass ["#halloy"], the channel #halloy will receive the server message. The include rule takes priority over exclude, so you can use both together. For example, you can exclude all channels with ["*"] and then only include a few specific channels.

# Type: array of strings
# Values: array of any strings
# Default: []

include = ["#halloy"]


Adjust the amount of information displayed for a username in server messages. If you choose "short", only the nickname will be shown. If you choose "full", the nickname, username, and hostname (if available) will be displayed.

Note: Not all server messages uses this setting.

# Type: string
# Values: "full", "short"
# Default: "full"

username_format = "full"


Status message prefix settings.


Brackets around status message prefix.

# Type: string
# Values: { left = "<any string>", right = "<any string>" }
# Default: { left = "", right = "" }

brackets = { left = "<", right = ">" }


Customize the text input for in buffers.


Text input visibility. When set to "focused" it will only be visible when the buffer is focused.

# Type: string
# Values: "always", "focused"
# Default: "always"

visibility = "always"


Control if the text input should auto format the input. By default text is only formatted when using the /format command.

# Type: string
# Values: "disabled", "markdown", "all"
# Default: "disabled"

auto_format = "markdown"

💡 Read more about text formatting.


Customize autocomplete.


Sort direction when autocompleting.

# Type: string
# Values: "asc", "desc"
# Default: "asc"

sort_direction = "asc"


Sets what suffix is added after autocompleting. The first option is for when a nickname is autocompleted at the beginning of a sentence. The second is for when it's autocompleted in the middle of a sentence.

# Type: array of 2 strings
# Values: array of 2 strings
# Default: [": ", " "]

completion_suffixes = [": ", " "]


Customize how timestamps are displayed within a buffer.


Controls the timestamp format. The expected format is strftime.

# Type: string
# Values: any valid strftime string
# Default: "%R"

format = "%R"


Brackets around timestamps.

# Type: string
# Values: { left = "<any string>", right = "<any string>" }
# Default: { left = "", right = "" }

brackets = { left = "[", right = "]" }