

Halloy is an open-source IRC client written in Rust, with the iced GUI library. It aims to provide a simple and fast client for Mac, Windows, and Linux platforms.


Halloy is free and open source. You can find the source code as well as report issues and feature requests on GitHub.

Installing Halloy

πŸ’‘ To get the latest nightly version of Halloy, you can build from source.

Pre-built binaries

Download pre-built binaries from GitHub page.

Packaging status

Packaging status


The following third party repositories are available for macOS


brew install --cask halloy 


sudo port install halloy


The following third party repositories are available for Linux







winget install squidowl.halloy

Build from source

Clone the Halloy GitHub repository into a directory of your choice and build with cargo.


# Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/squidowl/halloy.git

cd halloy

# Build and run
cargo build --release
cargo run --release

Getting started

To get started with Halloy, you need to connect to at least one IRC server. The template config file has been set up with the Libera server. However, there are many other servers available: OFTC, Undernet, EFnet, QuakeNet and many more. Halloy can connect to multiple servers at the same time.

Once connected to a server, you can join channels. This can be done automatically from the config file or manually using the join command: /join #channel1. To find channels, you can either use the list command: /list, or browse for channels online.

πŸ’‘ Configuration in Halloy happens through a config.toml file. See Configuration.

Here are a few useful IRC commands for a new user2

/join/join #halloyJoin a new channel
/part/part #halloyPart a channel
/nick/nick halloyisgreatChange your nickname
/whois nickname/whois halloyisgreatDisplays information of nickname requested
/list *keyword*/list *linux*List channels. Keyword is optional

Channel names always start with a # symbol and do not contain spaces.


Find more commands here.

Get in touch

Join #halloy on libera.chat (link) if you have questions, looking for help or just want to say hello. For feature requests or reporting issues, please open a ticket on GitHub.


Connect with Soju

To connect with a soju bouncer, the configuration below can be used as a template. Simply change so it fits your credentials.

nickname = "casperstorm"
username = "<your-username>/irc.libera.chat@desktop"
server = "irc.squidowl.org"
port = 6697
password = "<your-password>"
chathistory = true

Connect with ZNC

To connect with a ZNC bouncer, the configuration below can be used as a template. Simply change so it fits your credentials.

nickname = "<znc-user>/<znc-network>"
server = "znc.example.com"
password = "<your-password>"

# Depending on your ZNC setup you may need to apply these extra settings:

# Does your znc use a self-signed or expired certificate? See: 
# https://halloy.squidowl.org/configuration/servers.html#dangerously_accept_invalid_certs

# Does your znc listen on a different port? See: 
# https://halloy.squidowl.org/configuration/servers.html#port

Portable mode

To enable portable mode for Halloy, simply place the config.toml file in the same directory as the running executable.

β”œβ”€β”€ Halloy.app
└── config.toml

Multiple servers

Creating multiple [servers] sections lets you connect to multiple servers.
All configuration options can be found here.

nickname = "halloy-user"
server = "irc.libera.chat"
channels = ["#halloy"]

nickname = "halloy-user"
server = "irc.oftc.net"
channels = ["#asahi-dev"]

Storing passwords in a File

If you need to commit your configuration file to a public repository, you can keep your passwords in a separate file for security. Below is an example of using a file for nickname password for NICKSERV.

πŸ’‘ Avoid adding extra lines in the password file, as they will be treated as part of the password.

πŸ’‘ Shell expansions (e.g. "~/" β†’ "/home/user/") are not supported in path strings.

πŸ’‘ Windows path strings should usually be specified as literal strings (e.g. 'C:\Users\Default\'), otherwise directory separators will need to be escaped (e.g. "C:\\Users\\Default\\").

nickname = "foobar"
nick_password_file = "/home/user/config/halloy/password"
server = "irc.libera.chat"
channels = ["#halloy"]

Text Formatting

Text can be formatted in Halloy by using the /format (or /f) command.


Below is a table with the supported text attributes.

Italics_italic text_$iitalic text$i
Bold__bold text__$bbold text$b
Italic and Bold___italic and bold___$b$iitalic and bold$i$b


/format __this is bold__ $iand this is italic$i

Will render the following:

this is bold and this is italic


Text color (fg)$c0
Text and background (fg & bg)$c0,1
End color$c

The number next to the $c token indicates the color. For a comprehensive list of all numbers, see the following ircdocs.horse documentation. Below, the first 00 to 15 colors are defined and have been assigned aliases for convenience.


- 00 - white
- 01 - black
- 02 - blue
- 03 - green
- 04 - red
- 05 - brown
- 06 - magenta
- 07 - orange
- 08 - yellow
- 09 - lightgreen
- 10 - cyan
- 11 - lightcyan
- 12 - lightblue
- 13 - pink
- 14 - grey
- 15 - lightgrey


/format $cred,lightgreenfoobar$c
/format $c04,09foobar$c

Will both render the following:



By default, Halloy will only format text when using the /format command. This, however, can be changed with the auto_format configuration option:

auto_format = "disabled" | "markdown" | "all"

Monitor users

Halloy has monitor support if the server has the IRCv3 Monitor extension.

πŸ’‘ A protocol for notification of when clients become online/offline

To use the feature you need to add the user(s) you wish to monitor. This can be done in two ways:

  • You can add a list of user directly to the configuration file. See configuration option.
  • You can add users through /monitor directly in Halloy.

Examples with the /monitor command:

/monitor + casperstorm # Add user to list being monitored
/monitor - casperstorm # Remove user from list being monitored
/monitor c # Clear the list of users being monitored
/monitor l # Get list of users being monitored
/monitor s # For each user in the list being monitored, get their current status

Migrating from YAML

Halloy switched configuration file format from YAML to TOML (PR-278) This page will help you migrate your old config.yaml to a new config.toml file.

The basic structure of a TOML file consists of key-value pairs, where keys are strings. There are no nested indentations like YAML, which makes it easier to read and write. Consider the following old YAML config with of two servers in Halloy:

    nickname: foobar
    server: irc.libera.chat
    nickname: barbaz
    server: underworld2.no.quakenet.org
    port: 6667
    use_tls: true

This now looks the following in TOML

nickname = "foobar"
server = "irc.libera.chat"

nickname = "barbaz"
server = "underworld2.no.quakenet.org"
port = 6667
use_tls = true

πŸ’‘ You can convert YAML to TOML using a converter tool like this one. Just note that a few keys and values have be renamed during the conversion process.

To migrate, and ensure everything is working, make sure to read through the Configuration section of this book. Here, every configuration option is documented using TOML.


To edit configuration parameters, create a config.toml file located in your configuration directory:

  • Windows: %AppData%\halloy
  • Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/halloy or $HOME/.config/halloy
  • Linux: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/halloy or $HOME/.config/halloy

πŸ’‘ You can easily open the config file directory from command bar in Halloy

The specification for the configuration file format (TOML) can be found at https://toml.io/.

Example config for connecting to Libera:

nickname = "halloy-user"
server = "irc.libera.chat"
channels = ["#halloy"]

enabled = true


Buffer settings for Halloy.

  1. Away - Controls the appearance of away nicknames
  2. Channel - Channel specific settings
    1. Message - Message settings within a channel buffer
    2. Nicklist - Nicklist settings within a channel buffer
    3. Topic - Topic settings within a channel buffer
  3. Chathistory - IRCv3 Chat History extension settings
  4. Commands - Commands settings
  5. Date Separators - Customize how date separators are displayed within a buffer
  6. Emojis - Emojis settings
  7. Internal Messages - Internal messages are messages sent from Halloy itself
  8. Nickname - Customize how nicknames are displayed within a buffer
  9. Server Messages - Server messages are messages sent from a irc server.
  10. Status Message Prefix - Status message prefix settings
  11. Text Input - Customize the text input for in buffers
  12. Timestamp - Customize how timestamps are displayed within a buffer


Controls the appearance of away nicknames.


Controls the appearance of away nicknames in buffers.

# Type: string
# Values: "dimmed", "solid"
# Default: "dimmed"

appearance = "dimmed"


Channel specific settings


Message settings within a channel buffer.


Nickname colors in the message. "unique" generates colors by randomizing the hue, while keeping the saturation and lightness from the theme's nickname color.

# Type: string
# Values: "solid", "unique"
# Default: "unique"

nickname_color = "unique"


Nicklist settings within a channel buffer.


Horizontal alignment of nicknames.

# Type: string
# Values: "left", "right"
# Default: "left"

alignment = "left"


Nickname colors in the nicklist. "unique" generates colors by randomizing the hue, while keeping the saturation and lightness from the theme's nickname color.

# Type: string
# Values: "solid", "unique"
# Default: "unique"

color = "unique"


Control if nicklist should be shown or not by default.

# Type: boolean
# Values: true, false
# Default: true

enabled = true


Nicklist position in the pane.

# Type: string
# Values: "left", "right"
# Default: "left"

position = "right"


Show access levels in front of nicknames (@, +, ~, etc.).

# Type: boolean
# Values: true, false
# Default: true

show_access_levels = true


Overwrite nicklist width in pixels.

# Type: integer
# Values: any positive integer
# Default: not set

width = 150


Click action for when interaction with nicknames.

  • "open-query": Open a query with the User
  • "insert-nickname": Inserts the nickname into text input
# Type: string
# Values: "open-query", "insert-nickname"
# Default: "open-query"

click = "open-query"


Topic settings within a channel buffer.


Control if topic should be shown or not by default.

# Type: boolean
# Values: true, false
# Default: true

enabled = true


Amount of visible lines before you have to scroll in topic banner.

# Type: integer
# Values: any positive integer
# Default: 2z

max_lines = 2


IRCv3 Chat History extension settings


Automatically request older history when scrolling to the top of a channel/query buffer

# Type: boolean
# Values: true, false
# Default: true

infinite_scroll = true


Commands settings.

show_description = false


Show or hide the description for a command

# Type: boolean
# Values: true, false
# Default: true

show_description = true


Customize how date separators are displayed within a buffer


Controls the date format. The expected format is strftime.
NOTE: The application will panic if a invalid format is provided.

# Type: string
# Values: any valid strftime string
# Default: "%A, %B %-d"

format = "%A, %B %-d"


Show date separators.

# Type: boolean
# Values: true, false
# Default: true

show = true


Emojis settings.

show_picker = true
skin_tone = "default"
auto_replace = true


Show the emoji picker when typing :shortcode: in text input.

# Type: boolean
# Values: true, false
# Default: true

show_picker = true


Skin tone selected when picking an emoji.

# Type: string
# Values: "default", "light", "medium-light", "medium", "medium-dark", "dark"
# Default: "default"

skin_tone = "default"


Automatically replace :shortcode: in text input with the corresponding emoji.

# Type: boolean
# Values: true, false
# Default: true

auto_replace = true


Internal messages are messages sent from Halloy itself.


A internal messages which is considered a "success" such as when a connection was restored, or when connected succesfully to a server.


Control if internal message type is enabled.

# Type: boolean
# Values: true, false
# Default: true

enabled = true


Only show internal message if received within the given time duration (seconds).

# Type: integer
# Values: any positive integer
# Default: not set

smart = 180


A internal messages which is considered a "error" such as when a connection was lost, or when connection to server failed.


Control if internal message type is enabled.

# Type: boolean
# Values: true, false
# Default: true

enabled = true


Only show internal message if received within the given time duration (seconds).

# Type: integer
# Values: any positive integer
# Default: not set

smart = 180


Customize how nicknames are displayed within a buffer.


Horizontal alignment of nicknames.

# Type: string
# Values: "left", "right", "top"
# Default: "left"

alignment = "right"


Brackets around nicknames.

# Type: string
# Values: { left = "<any string>", right = "<any string>" }
# Default: { left = "", right = "" }

brackets = { left = "<", right = ">" }


Nickname colors in a channel buffer. "unique" generates colors by randomizing the hue, while keeping the saturation and lightness from the theme's nickname color.

# Type: string
# Values: "solid", "unique"
# Default: "unique"

color = "unique"


Show access levels in front of nicknames (@, +, ~, etc.).

# Type: boolean
# Values: true, false
# Default: true

show_access_levels = true


Click action for when interaction with nicknames.

  • "open-query": Open a query with the User
  • "insert-nickname": Inserts the nickname into text input
# Type: string
# Values: "open-query", "insert-nickname"
# Default: "open-query"

click = "open-query"


Server messages are messages sent from a irc server.

  • change_host - Message is sent when a user changes host
  • join - Message is sent when a user joins a channel
  • monitored_offline - Message is sent when a monitored user goes offline
  • monitored_online - Message is sent when a monitored user goes online
  • part - Message is sent when a user leaves a channel
  • quit - Message is sent when a user closes the connection to a channel or server
  • standard_reply_fail - Message is sent when a command/function fails or an error with the session
  • standard_reply_note - Message is sent when there is information about a command/function or session
  • standard_reply_warn - Message is sent when there is feedback about a command/function or session
  • topic - Message is sent when a user changes channel topic


# Hide all join messages except for `#halloy` channel:

exclude = ["*"]
include = ["#halloy"]

# Disable all part messages

enabled = false


Control if internal message type is enabled.

# Type: boolean
# Values: true, false
# Default: true

enabled = true


Only show server message if the user has sent a message in the given time interval (seconds) prior to the server message.

# Type: integer
# Values: any positive integer
# Default: not set

smart = 180


Exclude channels from receiving the server messag. If you pass ["#halloy"], the channel #halloy will not receive the server message. You can also exclude all channels by using a wildcard: ["*"].

# Type: array of strings
# Values: array of any strings
# Default: []

exclude = ["*"]


Include channels to receive the server message. If you pass ["#halloy"], the channel #halloy will receive the server message. The include rule takes priority over exclude, so you can use both together. For example, you can exclude all channels with ["*"] and then only include a few specific channels.

# Type: array of strings
# Values: array of any strings
# Default: []

include = ["#halloy"]


Adjust the amount of information displayed for a username in server messages. If you choose "short", only the nickname will be shown. If you choose "full", the nickname, username, and hostname (if available) will be displayed.

Note: Not all server messages uses this setting.

# Type: string
# Values: "full", "short"
# Default: "full"

username_format = "full"


Status message prefix settings.


Brackets around status message prefix.

# Type: string
# Values: { left = "<any string>", right = "<any string>" }
# Default: { left = "", right = "" }

brackets = { left = "<", right = ">" }


Customize the text input for in buffers.


Text input visibility. When set to "focused" it will only be visible when the buffer is focused.

# Type: string
# Values: "always", "focused"
# Default: "always"

visibility = "always"


Control if the text input should auto format the input. By default text is only formatted when using the /format command.

# Type: string
# Values: "disabled", "markdown", "all"
# Default: "disabled"

auto_format = "markdown"

πŸ’‘ Read more about text formatting.


Customize autocomplete.


Sort direction when autocompleting.

# Type: string
# Values: "asc", "desc"
# Default: "asc"

sort_direction = "asc"


Sets what suffix is added after autocompleting. The first option is for when a nickname is autocompleted at the beginning of a sentence. The second is for when it's autocompleted in the middle of a sentence.

# Type: array of 2 strings
# Values: array of 2 strings
# Default: [": ", " "]

completion_suffixes = [": ", " "]


Customize how timestamps are displayed within a buffer.


Controls the timestamp format. The expected format is strftime.

# Type: string
# Values: any valid strftime string
# Default: "%R"

format = "%R"


Brackets around timestamps.

# Type: string
# Values: { left = "<any string>", right = "<any string>" }
# Default: { left = "", right = "" }

brackets = { left = "[", right = "]" }


File transfer configuration options.


Default directory to save files in. If not set, user will see a file dialog.

# Type: string
# Values: any string
# Default: not set

save_directory = "/Users/halloy/Downloads"


If true, act as the "client" for the transfer. Requires the remote user act as the server.

# Type: boolean
# Values: true, false
# Default: true

passive = true


Time (in seconds) to wait before timing out a transfer waiting to be accepted.

# Type: integer
# Values: any positive integer
# Default: 300

timeout = 300


This section is required if passive = false. One side of the file transfer must operate as the "server", who the other user connects with to establish a connection.


Address advertised to the remote user to connect to.

# Type: string
# Values: any string
# Default: not set

public_address = "<some ip>"


Address to bind to when accepting connections.

# Type: string
# Values: any string
# Default: not set

bind_address = "<some ip>"


First port in port range to bind to.

# Type: integer
# Values: any positive integer
# Default: not set

bind_port_first = "1024"


Last port in port range to bind to.

# Type: integer
# Values: any positive integer
# Default: not set

bind_port_last = "5000"


Application wide font settings.

⚠️ Changes to font settings require an application restart to take effect.


Monospaced font family to use.

# Type: string
# Values: any string
# Default: not set
# Note: Iosevka Term is provided by the application, and used by default.

family = "Comic Mono"


Font size.

# Type: integer
# Values: any positive integer
# Default: 13

size = 13


Application wide highlights.


# Enable nickname highlights only in channel #halloy.
exclude = ["*"]
include = ["#halloy"]

# Highlight on 'boat' and 'car' in any channel.
words = ["boat", "car"]
case_insensitive = true

# Highlight when regex matches in any channel except #noisy-channel.
regex = '''(?i)\bcasper\b'''
exclude = ["#noisy-channel"]


Nickname highlights.


Channels in which you won’t be highlighted. If you pass ["#halloy"], you won’t be highlighted in that channel. You can also exclude all channels by using a wildcard: ["*"].

# Type: array of strings
# Values: array of any strings
# Default: []

exclude = ["*"]


Channels in which you will be highlighted, only useful when combined with exclude = ["*"]. If you pass ["#halloy"], you will only be highlighted in that channel.

# Type: array of strings
# Values: array of any strings
# Default: ["*"]

exclude = ["*"]
include = ["#halloy"]


Highlight based on matches.


You can set words to be highlighted when they are written.

Example shows word matches, which will trigger on "word1", "word2" or "word3" in any channel.

# Type: array of strings
# Values: array of any strings
# Default: []

words = ["word1", "word2", "word3"]


This option is only available when using words as the match type. You can choose whether or not to trigger regardless of case.

# Type: boolean
# Values: true, false
# Default: false

words = ["word1", "word2", "word3"]
case_insensitive = true


Match based on regex.

Use toml multi-line literal strings '''\bfoo'd\b''' when writing a regex. This allows you to write write the regex without escaping. You can also use a literal string '\bfoo\b', but then you can't use ' inside the string.

Without literal strings, you'd have to write the above as "\\bfoo'd\\b"

Example shows a regex that matches the word "casper", regardless of case and only when it appears as a whole word in any channel.

# Type: string
# Values: any string
# Default: not set

regex = '''(?i)\bcasper\b'''


Channels in which you won’t be highlighted. If you pass ["#halloy"], you won’t be highlighted in that channel. You can also exclude all channels by using a wildcard: ["*"].

Example shows a regex match which will be excluded in from #noisy-channel

# Type: array of strings
# Values: array of any strings
# Default: []

regex = '''(?i)\bcasper\b'''
exclude = ["#noisy-channel"]


Channels in which you will be highlighted, only useful when combined with exclude = ["*"]. If you pass ["#halloy"], you will only be highlighted in that channel.

Example shows a words match which will only try to match in #halloy channel.

# Type: array of strings
# Values: array of any strings
# Default: ["*"]

words = ["word1", "word2", "word3"]
exclude = ["*"]
include = ["#halloy"]


Customize keyboard shortcuts. Below is a list of all actions which can be mapped.


move_up = "alt+k"
move_down = "alt+j"
move_left = "alt+h"
move_right = "alt+l"
KeyDescriptionDefault MacOSDefault Other
move_upMoves focus up⌘ + βŒ₯ + ↑ctrl + alt + ↑
move_downMoves focus down⌘ + βŒ₯ + ↓ctrl + alt + ↓
move_leftMoves focus left⌘ + βŒ₯ + ←ctrl + alt + ←
move_rightMoves focus right⌘ + βŒ₯ + β†’ctrl + alt + β†’
close_bufferClose focused buffer⌘ + wctrl + w
maximize_bufferMaximize focused buffer⌘ + shift + ↑ctrl + shift + ↑
restore_bufferRestore focused buffer⌘ + shift + ↓ctrl + shift + ↓
cycle_next_bufferCycle to next bufferctrl + tabctrl + tab
cycle_previous_bufferCycle to previous bufferctrl + shift + tabctrl + shift + tab
scroll_page_upScroll buffer up a pageFn + ↑pageup
scroll_page_downScroll buffer down a pageFn + ↓pagedown
scroll_to_topScroll to top of buffer⌘ + ↑ctrl + ↑
scroll_to_bottomScroll to bottom of buffer⌘ + ↓ctrl + ↓
leave_bufferLeave channel or close query⌘ + shift + wctrl + shift + w
toggle_nick_listToggle nick list⌘ + βŒ₯ + mctrl + alt + m
toggle_topicToggle topic⌘ + βŒ₯ + tctrl + alt + t
toggle_sidebarToggle sidebar⌘ + βŒ₯ + bctrl + alt + b
toggle_fullscreenToggle fullscreenctrl + βŒ₯ + fctrl + shift + f
command_barToggle command bar⌘ + kctrl + k
reload_configurationRefresh configuration file⌘ + rctrl + r
file_transfersToggle File Transfers Buffer⌘ + jctrl + j
logsToggle Logs Buffer⌘ + lctrl + l
theme_editorToggle Theme Editor Window⌘ + tctrl + t
quit_applicationQuit HalloyNot setNot set


Customize and enable notifications.


direct_message = { sound = "peck", show_toast = true }

sound = "dong"
exclude = ["NickServ", "#halloy"]

Following notifications are available:

connectedTriggered when a server is connected
direct_messageTriggered when a direct message is received
disconnectedTriggered when a server disconnects
file_transfer_requestTriggered when a file transfer request is received
highlightTriggered when you were highlighted in a buffer
monitored_onlineTriggered when a user you're monitoring is online
monitored_offlineTriggered when a user you're monitoring is offline
reconnectedTriggered when a server reconnects


Notification sound. Supports both built-in sounds, and external sound files (mp3, ogg, flac or wav placed inside the sounds folder within the configuration directory).

# Type: string
# Values: "dong", "peck", "ring", "squeak", "whistle", "bonk", "sing" or external sound.
# Default: not set

sound = "dong"


Notification should trigger a OS toast.

# Type: boolean
# Values: true, false
# Default: false

show_toast = true


Delay in milliseconds before triggering the next notification.

# Type: integer
# Values: any positive integer
# Default: 500

delay = 250


Exclude notifications for nicks (and/or channels in highlight's case).

Only available for direct_message, highlight and file_transfer_request notifications.

You can also exclude all nicks/channels by using a wildcard: ["*"] or ["all"].

# Type: array of strings
# Values: array of strings
# Default: []

exclude = ["HalloyUser1"]

exclude = ["HalloyUser1", "#halloy"]


Include notifications for nicks (and/or channels in highlight's case).

Only available for direct_message, highlight and file_transfer_request notifications.

The include rule takes priority over exclude, so you can use both together. For example, you can exclude all nicks with ["*"] for direct_message and then only include a few specific nicks to receive direct_message notifications from.

# Type: array of strings
# Values: array of strings
# Default: []

include = ["HalloyUser1"]

include = ["HalloyUser1", "#halloy"]


Pane settings for Halloy. A pane contains a buffer.


Default axis used when splitting a pane (i.e. default orientation of the divider between panes).

# Type: string
# Values: "horizontal", "vertical"
# Default: "horizontal"

split_axis = "vertical"


Proxy settings for Halloy.

  1. http
  2. socks5
  3. tor


Http proxy settings.


Proxy host to connect to.

# Type: string
# Values: any string
# Default: not set

# Required

host = ""


Proxy port to connect on.

# Type: integer
# Values: any positive integer
# Default: not set

# Required

port = 1080


Proxy username.

# Type: string
# Values: any string
# Default: not set

# Optional

username = "username"


Proxy password.

# Type: string
# Values: any string
# Default: not set

# Optional

password = "password"


host = ""
port = 1080
username = "username"
password = "password"


Socks5 proxy settings.


Proxy host to connect to.

# Type: string
# Values: any string
# Default: not set

# Required

host = ""


Proxy port to connect on.

# Type: integer
# Values: any positive integer
# Default: not set

# Required

port = 1080


Proxy username.

# Type: string
# Values: any string
# Default: not set

# Optional

username = "username"


Proxy password.

# Type: string
# Values: any string
# Default: not set

# Optional

password = "password"


host = ""
port = 1080
username = "username"
password = "password"


Tor proxy settings. Utilizes the arti to integrate Tor natively. It accepts no further configuration.




URL preview settings for Halloy.


Enable or disable previews globally

# Type: boolean
# Values: true, false
# Default: true

enabled = true


Request settings for previews.


Some servers will only send opengraph metadata to browser-like user agents. We default to WhatsApp/2 for wide compatability.

# Type: string
# Values: any string
# Default: "WhatsApp/2"

user_agent = "WhatsApp/2"


Request timeout in millisceonds. Defaults is 10s.

# Type: integer
# Values: any positive integer
# Default: 10000

timeout_ms = 10000


Max image size in bytes. This prevents downloading responses that are too big. Default is 10mb.

# Type: integer
# Values: any positive integer
# Default: 10485760

max_image_size = 10485760


Max bytes streamed when scraping for opengraph metadata before cancelling the request. This prevents downloading responses that are too big. Default is 500kb.

# Type: integer
# Values: any positive integer
# Default: 512000

max_scrape_size = 512000


Number of allowed concurrent requests for fetching previews. Reduce this to prevent rate-limiting.

# Type: integer
# Values: any positive integer
# Default: 4

concurrency = 4


Numer of milliseconds to wait before requesting another preview when number of requested previews > concurrency.

# Type: integer
# Values: any positive integer
# Default: 500

delay_ms = 500


Specific image preview settings.


Include image previews from channels. If you pass ["#halloy"], the channel #halloy will show image previews. The include rule takes priority over exclude, so you can use both together. For example, you can exclude all channels with ["*"] and then only include a few specific channels.

# Type: array of strings
# Values: array of any strings
# Default: []

include = []


Exclude image previews from channels. If you pass ["#halloy"], the channel #halloy will not show image previews. You can also exclude all channels by using a wildcard: ["*"].

# Type: array of strings
# Values: array of any strings
# Default: []

exclude = []


exclude = ["*"] # hide image previews in all channels
include = ["#halloy"] # show image previews in #halloy


Specific card preview settings.


Show image for card previews.

# Type: boolean
# Values: true, false
# Default: true

show_image = true


Include card previews from channels. If you pass ["#halloy"], the channel #halloy will show image previews. The include rule takes priority over exclude, so you can use both together. For example, you can exclude all channels with ["*"] and then only include a few specific channels.

# Type: array of strings
# Values: array of any strings
# Default: []

include = []


Exclude card previews from channels. If you pass ["#halloy"], the channel #halloy will not show image previews. You can also exclude all channels by using a wildcard: ["*"].

# Type: array of strings
# Values: array of any strings
# Default: []

exclude = []


exclude = ["*"] # hide card previews in all channels
include = ["#halloy"] # show card previews in #halloy


Application wide scale factor.
Note: scale_factor is a root key, so it must be placed before any section.

# Type: float
# Values: 0.1 .. 3.0
# Default: 1.0

scale_factor = 1.0


You can define multiple server sections in the configuration file. Each server section must have a unique name, which is used as the identifier in the [servers.<name>] format.


# ...

πŸ’‘ For a multiple server example see here


The client's nickname.

# Type: string
# Values: any string
# Default: not set

nickname = ""


The client's NICKSERV password.

# Type: string
# Values: any string
# Default: not set

nick_password = ""


Read nick_password from the file at the given path.1 2

# Type: string
# Values: any string
# Default: not set

nick_password_file = ""


Executes the command with sh (or equivalent) and reads nick_password as the output.

# Type: string
# Values: any string
# Default: not set

nick_password_command = ""


The server's NICKSERV IDENTIFY syntax.

# Type: string
# Values: "nick-password", "password-nick"
# Default: not set

nick_identify_syntax = ""


Alternative nicknames for the client, if the default is taken.

# Type: array of strings
# Values: array of any strings
# Default: not set

alt_nicks = ["Foo", "Bar"]


The client's username.

# Type: string
# Values: any string
# Default: not set

username = ""


The client's real name.

# Type: string
# Values: any string
# Default: not set

realname = ""


The server to connect to.

# Type: string
# Values: any string
# Default: not set

server = "irc.libera.chat"


The port to connect on.

# Type: integer
# Values: any positive integer
# Default: 6697

port = 6697


The password to connect to the server.

# Type: string
# Values: any string
# Default: not set

password = ""


Read password from the file at the given path.1 2

# Type: string
# Values: any string
# Default: not set

password_file = ""


Executes the command with sh (or equivalent) and reads password as the output.

# Type: string
# Values: any string
# Default: not set

password_command = ""


A list of channels to join on connection.

# Type: array of strings
# Values: array of any strings
# Default: not set

channels = ["#foo", "#bar"]


A mapping of channel names to keys for join-on-connect.

# Type: map
# Values: map with string key value
# Default: {}

channel_keys = { channel1 = "key1" }


The amount of inactivity in seconds before the client will ping the server.

# Type: integer
# Values: any positive integer
# Default: 180

ping_time = 180


The amount of time in seconds for a client to reconnect due to no ping response.

# Type: integer
# Values: any positive integer
# Default: 20

ping_timeout = 20


The amount of time in seconds before attempting to reconnect to the server when disconnected.

# Type: integer
# Values: any positive integer
# Default: 10

reconnect_delay = 10


Whether the client should use NickServ GHOST to reclaim its primary nickname if it is in use.

# Type: boolean
# Values: true, false
# Default: false

should_ghost = false


The command(s) that should be sent to NickServ to recover a nickname.

# Type: array of strings
# Values: array of any strings
# Default: ["REGAIN"]

ghost_sequence = ["REGAIN"]


User modestring to set on connect.

# Type: string
# Values: any string
# Default: not set

umodes = "+RB-x"


Whether or not to use TLS. Clients will automatically panic if this is enabled without TLS support.

# Type: boolean
# Values: true, false
# Default: false

use_tls = false


When true, all certificate validations are skipped.

# Type: boolean
# Values: true, false
# Default: false

dangerously_accept_invalid_certs = false


The path to the root TLS certificate for this server in PEM format.1 2

# Type: string
# Values: any string
# Default: not set

root_cert_path = ""


Commands which are executed once connected.

# Type: array of string
# Values: array of any strings
# Default: not set

on_connect = ["/msg NickServ IDENTIFY foo bar"]


Whether or not to WHO polling is enabled.

# Type: boolean
# Values: true, false
# Default: true

who_poll_enabled = true


WHO poll interval (in seconds) for servers without away-notify. Specifically, the time between individual WHO requests. Will be increased automatically if the server sends a rate-limiting message.

# Type: integer
# Values: 1 .. 3600
# Default: 2

who_poll_interval = 2


A list of nicknames to monitor (if IRCv3 Monitor is supported by the server).

πŸ’‘ Read more about monitoring users.

# Type: array of string
# Values: array of any strings
# Default: not set

monitor = ["Foo", "Bar"]


Whether or not to enable IRCv3 Chat History (if it is supported by the server).

# Type: boolean
# Values: true, false
# Default: true

chathistory = true


Plain SASL auth using a username and password


The account name used for authentication.

# Type: string
# Values: any string
# Default: not set

username = "username"


The password associated with the account used for authentication.

# Type: string
# Values: any string
# Default: not set

password = "password"


Read password from the file at the given path.1 2

# Type: string
# Values: any string
# Default: not set

password_file = ""


Executes the command with sh (or equivalent) and reads password as the output.

# Type: string
# Values: any string
# Default: not set

password_command = ""


External SASL auth uses a PEM encoded X509 certificate. Reference.


The path to PEM encoded X509 user certificate for external auth.1 2

# Type: string
# Values: any string
# Default: not set

cert = "/path/to/your/certificate.pem"


The path to PEM encoded PKCS#8 private key for external auth (optional).1 2

# Type: string
# Values: any string
# Default: not set

key = "/path/to/your/private_key.pem"

Shell expansions (e.g. "~/" β†’ "/home/user/") are not supported in path strings.


Windows path strings should usually be specified as literal strings (e.g. 'C:\Users\Default\'), otherwise directory separators will need to be escaped (e.g. "C:\\Users\\Default\\").


Sidebar settings for Halloy.


Action when pressing buffers in the sidebar. "new-pane" opens a new pane each time. "replace-pane" replaces the focused pane with the pressed buffer. "new-window" opens a new window each time.

# Type: string
# Values: "new-pane", "replace-pane", "new-window"
# Default: "new-pane"

buffer_action = "replace-pane"


Action when pressing a focused buffer in the sidebar. "close-pane" will close the focused pane.

# Type: string
# Values: "close-pane"
# Default: not set

buffer_focused_action = "close-pane"


Unread buffer indicator style.

# Type: string
# Values: "dot", "title", "none"
# Default: "dot"

unread_indicator = "dot"


Sidebar position within the application window.

# Type: string
# Values: "left", "top", "right", "bottom"
# Default: "left"

position = "left"


Specify sidebar max width in pixels. Only used if position is "left" or "right".

# Type: integer
# Values: any positive integer
# Default: not set

max_width = 200


Show or hide the user menu button in the sidemenu.

# Type: bool
# Values: true, false
# Default: true

show_menu_button = true



# Static
theme = "ferra"

# Dynamic
theme = { light = "ferra-light", dark = "ferra" }

Note: theme is a root key, so it must be placed before any section.


Specify the theme name(s) to use. The theme must correspond to a file located in the themes folder, which can be found in the Halloy configuration directory. The default theme in Halloy is Ferra.

When a dynamic theme is used, Halloy will match the appearance of the OS.

  • type: string or object
  • values: "<string>", { light = "<string>", dark = "<string>" }
  • default: "ferra"

πŸ’‘ See all community created themes here and base16 themes here.

Custom themes

To create a custom theme for Halloy, simply place a theme file (with a .toml extension) inside the themes folder within the configuration directory.

# Consider we have a theme called "foobar.toml" inside the themes folder.
# Theme is a root key, so it has to be placed before any sections in your config file.

theme = "foobar"
# .. rest of the configuration file.

πŸ’‘ Halloy has a built in theme editor which makes theme creation easier

Each "<string>" is expected to be a valid hex color. If invalid, or if the key is removed, the color will fallback to transparent. A custom theme is structured as follows:

background = "<string>"
border = "<string>"
horizontal_rule = "<string>"
unread_indicator = "<string>"

primary = "<string>"
secondary = "<string>"
tertiary = "<string>"
success = "<string>"
error = "<string>"

background = "<string>"
background_hover = "<string>"
background_selected = "<string>"
background_selected_hover = "<string>"

background = "<string>"
background_hover = "<string>"
background_selected = "<string>"
background_selected_hover = "<string>"

action = "<string>"
background = "<string>"
background_text_input = "<string>"
background_title_bar = "<string>"
border = "<string>"
border_selected = "<string>"
code = "<string>"
highlight = "<string>"
nickname = "<string>"
selection = "<string>"
timestamp = "<string>"
topic = "<string>"
url = "<string>"

# Set below if you want to have a unique color for each.
# Otherwise simply set `default` to use that for all server messages.
# change_host = "<string>"
# join = "<string>"
# part = "<string>"
# quit = "<string>"
# reply_topic = "<string>"
# monitored_online = "<string>"
# monitored_offline = "<string>"
# standard_reply_fail = "<string>"
# standard_reply_warn = "<string>"
# standard_reply_note = "<string>"
default = "<string>"

πŸ’‘ The default Ferra theme toml file can be viewed here.


This is a list of community created themes for Halloy.

πŸ’‘ Have a great theme you want to share? Open a pull-request here.


Open in Halloy


Open in Halloy


Open in Halloy

Catppuccin Latte

Open in Halloy

Catppuccin Macchiato

Open in Halloy

Catppuccin Mocha

Open in Halloy

Ferra Light

Open in Halloy


Open in Halloy

One Dark

Open in Halloy

IntelliJ Light

Open in Halloy

Macaw Light

Open in Halloy

Macaw Dark

Open in Halloy


Open in Halloy

Solarized Dark

Open in Halloy


Open in Halloy

Rose Pine

Open in Halloy

Rose Pine Moon

Open in Halloy

Rose Pine Dawn

Open in Halloy

Noctis Lilac

Open in Halloy


The base16 color scheme framework includes hundreds of colorschemes build using 16 colors. These colorschemes have are compiled for Halloy in the 4e554c4c/base16-halloy repository.

To use these themes, download themes.tar.gz from the latest release and unpack it to the themes folder in the Halloy configuration directory. Then you can enable themes individually in config.toml.


# Static
theme = "base16-gruvbox-dark-hard"


Control if tooltips are displayed or not.
Note: tooltips is a root key, so it must be placed before any section.

# Type: boolean
# Values: true, false
# Default: true

tooltips = true

URL Schemes

Halloy is able to recongize different URL schemes.


The IRC URL scheme is used to create a new connection to a server.
The format is based on the URI Syntax.


schemeCan be irc or ircs. TLS is enabled if is ircs.
serverAddress for the server. Eg: irc.libera.chat.
portOptional. Defaults to 6667 (if irc) or 6697 (if ircs).
channelOptional. List of channels, separated by a comma.


Below is a few URL examples.


The halloy:// scheme is used to import themes. The syntax for that is halloy:///theme?e=base64EncodedThemeData. A list of community created themes can be found here.


Commands in Halloy are prefixed with /.


/me says halloy!

Halloy will first try to run below commands, and lastly send it directly to the server.

awayMark yourself as away. If already away, the status is removed
joinjJoin channel(s) with optional key(s)
medescribeSend an action message to the channel
modemSet mode(s) on a channel or retrieve the current mode(s) set
monitorSystem to notify when users become online/offline
msgOpen a query with a nickname and send an optional message
nickChange your nickname on the current server
partleaveLeave channel(s) with an optional reason
quitDisconnect from the server with an optional reason
rawSend data to the server without modifying it
topictRetrieve the topic of a channel or set a new topic
whoisRetrieve information about user(s)